Thursday, November 12, 2009

Catching up

I'm new to this blogging stuff and I have so much I want to share.  So please be patient with me as I live in the past a bit and recapture some important events that occurred in the last few months.  Luckily, there is not a ton happening right this minute, so I might be able to get caught up.  Wishful thinking perhaps, but I'm going with the positive attitude!  Hope you will enjoy this look into the not too distant past.  Topics I hope to share:  Christin, trip to Idaho, time with Paula, trying to get a drink in Utah, Halloween in Iowa, Vegas, recent obsession with Mexican food, newly discovered love for Japanese cuisine.  Wow.  I guess that's going to be a lot to cover and I don't have pics for most of it.  haha.  We'll see how it goes.